Worldwide movie distribution

✔ Worldwide sales agent

✔ Flemish and Dutch productions

✔ Independent distributor

Incredible Film is a Dutch production company and worldwide sales agent with an expertise in movie distribution. Started in 2009 by Danielle Raaphorst the company does not only function as a sales agent, but also as independent producer. With experience not only in sales, but also in production, we know how to successfully distribute movies.

Interested in worldwide movie distribution ?

Offer Dutch movie rights for worldwide movie distribution

What makes Incredible Film unique as a company is the independence we are able to maintain as a distributor. As an independent distributor we are able to make sure the worldwide movie distribution goes the way expected. We are the go-to distributor for European movies from a variety of Flemish and Dutch production companies. To ensure a successful worldwide movie distribution, we go to a series of media shows and film festivals with a portfolio of some of our most promising content. With this we have been able to build a large network of potential buyers of Dutch movie rights.

Contact us

Incredible Film is a sales agent aiming to grow their network within worldwide movie distribution. Do you want to know more about us? We will gladly inform you on our company and all our possibilities. For more information in regard to buying rights and our portfolio, please contact us by sending an e-mail to